With exams officially over for me (yes, on a Saturday), I can finally spend time doing things that make me happy! Of course that includes blogging at 1am while listening to Mariah Carey's 'You're Mine'.
I've decided to put together a check-list of sorts for me to do this winter break for a few reasons.
Reason 1: To motivate myself out of bed (let's be real though, this is what I'll be doing 98% of the time).
Reason 2: So I won't look like a miserable loner when people ask me what I've gotten up to during the break. But why hide the fact that you like to sleep and watch movies all day in bed? Why deny the truth?
Reason 3: I have really bad memory and will most likely forget everything if it's not in writing.
Reason 4: To share some inspiration for your next day in/out!
Enjoy your break!
Anita :-)
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Food dates: Ristretto & Co.
Since it is now the break and I don't have much to do. I might as well put some TLC into this much neglected blog.
There are so many posts in my drafts with images in them that I would like to share.
Whilst Ristretto & Co. was a cafe that I was sorely disappointed by their originality and their menu, I did enjoy their nutella hot chocolate. It was still expensive and I wouldn't return. The food offering was limited and inconsistent with what they listed. They said that a section of the menu would be offered at that time, but it wasn't. I also found out the food was pre-prepared and just toasted to be served. Perhaps that wouldn't be too bad if they hadn't taken so long to hand me a burnt sandwich at a ridiculous price point.
This is Anita. She is one of my biffles and the person I share this blog with. Sitting in the freezing cold with her and a hot drink wasn't entirely shitty because I've missed this loser.I think the best thing about her is her ability to still think I'm a decent person after hurling insults upon insults at her. Don't get me wrong, she's a tough cookie and will throw some stones back at me.
I am constantly tagging her in cute animal videos and pictures on Facebook that I think people might think we're the most annoying bitches on the planets. I think they might forgive us after watching some of the videos though because they are so darn cute.
Maybe I should just write little excerpts about people I like on this blog as well. Perhaps I'll write more about Anita as a person and pimp her out later. Speaking of pimping her out, this was the day I decided that I would video snap my friends without them realising and captioning it 'she's single'. Why I do that? I don't know because I don't think I have many single male friends.

Oh look at my lack lustre sandwich that I regret getting.

People who aren't afraid of cold.

Decor wasn't shabby. Too bad I couldn't eat it.

This is cute.
Ok. I think I've getting too much attitude in this post.
Peace out.
Helen x
Friday, June 12, 2015
Face - How I became conscious of how I looked like
It is stuvac right now and just like every other student who is given time to study, we procrastinate. I'm going to be writing a post that is different to all the previous posts. I want to voice my opinion about things and hopefully, in future, there will be more of these kinds of posts and, perhaps, there will be a response to them. (Is that kind of really ambitious of me considering CapitalEff only has 4 followers?? Probs.)
I like to complain a lot so these will probably be more ranty than anything else. But you do have an option to exit out of this blog.
Why I really started writing this post is because I realised how conscious I am of how I look in public now and how I portray myself to the outside world. I wasn't always like this, I used to think if I had decent hygiene and kept myself neat, that was enough. Now, I invest time in the morning to spend time concealing flaws that I used to not think twice about. This really irks me because it means that I am letting societal expectations change how I am.
I told Anita, my bestie who I share this blog with, about this realisation - how I'm spending an extra 15 minutes in the morning to put makeup on my face when before I would have preferred to sleep that extra 15 minutes. She told me that there was nothing wrong with spending extra time on making you look good. Fair point. I thought about this some more and I asked myself, "but does it make you feel any better on the inside?". The answer to that question, is not so much. I spend the rest of the day checking if my mascara has smudged or if, heaven forbid, my concealer melted away and my pimple, is now revealed to the world. OH THE HORROR. I have become obsessed with how my face looks.
This makeup wearing started when I started working. I guess I'm trying to impress people I don't know? So, does this mean that society is expecting us to be flawless? To a certain degree. I mean the message is pretty clear in society of how we should appear. A good example of this is the trend of 'eyebrows on fleek'. Before, I would never have played attention to this trend because it's so materialistic and shallow. You can even ask my friends, they will tell you that I said, I quote, "I don't understand the eyebrow fad". They told me it wasn't a fad and that it was a lifestyle. So, here I am today, obsessed with how my eyebrows look and also feel as sense of gratification when someone tells me that my eyebrows are on fleek. They are right, it's not a fad, it's a lifestyle that I've converted into. I think once you get sucked in, there is never really going back.
We've all been conditioned to think that we should be a certain way and I think it's such a detrimental message to send to vulnerable young women. Also, not to mention, makeup products in Australia is fucking ridiculously expensive.
This isn't really a post to say makeup is bad and that you shouldn't wear it. Like, I'm not going to discontinue my routine. I just feel like we should be more conscious of what values we are setting together in our society.
Oodles and oodles of love,
P.S. My eyebrows haven't gotten much TLC lately because I've been too busy pretending to study - a reflection of my life?
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