Saturday, June 27, 2015

F is for FREEDOM


With exams officially over for me (yes, on a Saturday), I can finally spend time doing things that make me happy! Of course that includes blogging at 1am while listening to Mariah Carey's 'You're Mine'.

I've decided to put together a check-list of sorts for me to do this winter break for a few reasons.

Reason 1: To motivate myself out of bed (let's be real though, this is what I'll be doing 98% of the time).

Reason 2: So I won't look like a miserable loner when people ask me what I've gotten up to during the break. But why hide the fact that you like to sleep and watch movies all day in bed? Why deny the truth?

Reason 3: I have really bad memory and will most likely forget everything if it's not in writing.

Reason 4: To share some inspiration for your next day in/out!

Enjoy your break!

Anita :-)

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