Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Fave: Kina Grannis

Kina Grannis is seriously the bomb diggity! I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT I GOT TO MEET HER. SHE IS LITERAL PERFECTION.

I fell in love with her five years ago when I first heard 'Valentine' on YouTube. Her covers are all so amazing and her harmonies are always on point.

Here is her Valentine music video:

Here is one of my favourite covers by her:

Let me tell you why I think she is literal perfection after having the privilege of meeting her.
1. She is genuinely sweet. When she talks, you just can't help but fall in love with her. She is so down to earth and funny too. She attempted to do an Australian accent and said that if she were Australian she wouldn't stop talking. Haha, just adorbs!
2. What you see if what you get. You know how you expect singers to be not as great as their polished recorded songs? Kina Grannis sounds fabulous recorded and live. You probably couldn't even tell the difference.
3. She is beautiful. She's beautiful on screen but even more beautiful in real life if that is even possible. I GOT TO HUG HER TOO - touched by the beautiful creature!!!!
4. Her cute insignias. I really love her old girl with the guitar logo and her new triangles logo. I wanted to get her elements necklace but it was $40 and I just didn't feel it was worth the money.
5. Her passion for music. She is chasing her dreams and that's inspiring. Like seriously, she spent a good amount of time doing the 'In Your Arms' jelly bean stop motion animation music video. Crrazzzyy dedication!
6. I just had to add that her and Jesse (her husband) are the cutest! Even though it doesn't really add to her perfection, I'm totally jealous that he married her.

And even though I might sound like a crazy obsessed fangirl, I feel like these are all valid and you will understand when you listen and meet her!

Now, some pictures of that momentous day!

Thank you Kina Grannis!

Also, her drummer has the coordination of a god because she was able to play the drums, tambourine and sing at the same time. I mean, if I had that kind of coordination, I'd be set for life.

- Helen

1 comment:

  1. Aww, sweet! ;-) I'll check out the rest of her songs.
    This reminds me of the time when I first discovered One Direction through your post of their song, and about a few months after that they became wildly popular :)
