Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Who and what is Capital Eff?

The idea of Capital Eff is that it is an all encompassing blog.
What does this mean?
Well, I, Helen, used to blog when I was about 13 or 14 years old but then I stopped because I probably ran out of teen angst things to say. But looking back, I just want to put those blogs behind me as they were filled up to the brim with negativity. So as of recently with only having 3 uni days and being jobless, I have so much spare time and nothing to do with that spare time. And this was the beginning of the unshaped idea of a blog! I don't know what the blog was going to be or where I wanted to go with it, so I decided that I am not going to decide. Haha, typical indecisive me. This is why I came up with the name of the blog, Capital Eff, or you can just call it "F" for short. What it really stands for is Freedom. Freedom to write about whatever whenever and not be pigeonholed to some specific area or genre because, let's face it, I'm no expert in anything. You can probably find posts about food, maybe fashion but I hope, a whole lot of FUN!
This concept of "F" continues with Friends! I didn't want to be the only author of this blog because that means that sometimes it might stagnate with content because of a bajillion reasons (mostly because my life is just not that interesting). Anyways, you know what they say, "sharing is caring"! So, instead of just sharing just only my life, I am sharing this blog to anybody who is wanting to write on it and share their story. Basically, the "who" of Capital Eff, could be pretty much anybody. I don't know yet, I might get more willing bloggers in the future. For now, it will be one my closest friends, Anita and I blogging! 

- Helen


  1. Hey Helen, welcome back to the blogosphere! I do remember those days, several years ago, when you previously blogged (and introduced me to it!) I think I can relate to that feeling of wanting to write but not feeling experienced enough to talk about that particular subject. It's a Fantastic concept you're going with here, where you're not restricted to a category. As you go along with the flow, eventually you may realise which area you are good at/enjoy. Great to see you here again, I look forward to reading more posts from you + your friend :-)

    1. Hi Sophie, thanks for the well wishes! Hope you enjoy the blog :)
